The last two command stands. All figures are Perry Miniatures.
The first command stand is made up using most of the figures from the seated Sultan pack. I planned on using this pack as the C-in-C pack but had second thoughts - because a seated commander did not look right leading his troops in a charge or in melee. I think this, although still a little passive in nature, and as an extra command stand, looks a little more like it.
The second is my Islamic 'Band Stand'. This is a 'booster stand' which will have special rules. It will allow a commander, to which it is attached, to re-roll his command's movement die; or it will allow any troops within 24" to move to contact on an 'even' movement die roll and melee without recourse to a melee card; on either use the stand goes 'unloaded' - reloading on the next artillery card.