Blog passes 100,000 hits

I've had google analytics running on this blog since quite early on. It provided considerable encouragement and I still, if a little vaguely, remember the first time it passed 1000 hits in a single month - I was amazed. These days it averages over 3,500 a month; it once touched 7000.

Recently, I've been watching it creep up to the 100,000 total hits count. This morning it heaved itself over. I thought you might like to see the breakdown.

Total hits: 100,039
Page views: 297,070
Average time on site: 00:01:59
New visits: 39.32%

Referring sites: 70.29%
Direct traffic: 23.22%
Search engines: 6.22%
Other traffic: 0.27%

Countries: 123
Top 20 countries (in high to low order): UK, USA, France, Canada, Australia, Germany, Spain, Italy, New Zealand, Russia, Poland, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, Ireland, Czech Republic, Denmark, Japan, Greece, Finland.
Obscurer countries: Azerbaijan and the Dutch Antilles make a good showing with 3 hits each, whilst it seems only one gamer in Mongolia has had broadband in his yurt.

Thanks to everyone who has visited this blog since 28th April 2008.

Best Regards to you all,

James Roach

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