Isle of Fob continues

The map above shows the positions at the end of turn 4 (2nd turn of the game). The red line indicates the retreat of Seljuk army B.

From the Chronicles of Kermit the Hermit:

.....With renewed spirit the armies of the Franks sought to expand from their small bridgehead. Reynald de Winscale [D] took, by force of arms, Noaheum from those loyal to the emperor. The King, following the victory of his nephew, swiftly seized Ghazzan from the Turk......

........The King's nephew Baldwin [B], having won his victory over Sheik Mahand [B], did go in pursuit of Gudrupee, seeking to catch him far in the northwest and bring him to battle. As to bait a trap he took Despina Khatun from the him by force, but the Seljuk King did not take the bait and was content to look on from Balunyas.......

........Meanwhile, in the north of Fob Mustapha Camel [C] and his brother Mohammed Ali [D] marched south. Mohammed bypassed the King, seeking to threaten Lampron. Mustapha, being cunning and possessed of martial spirit, joined his forces with those of Sheik Mohand [B] and marched against King Chernobyl......

.......Chernobyl had marched north with an army recruited for speed of action rather than power, and his force was largely made up of cavalry and local Armenians. It was against this band that the full force of the Seljuks came to bear close to the walls of Ghazzan........

The map above shows the passage of events during the turn. Army pins with black letters show start positions, those with yellow letters end positions.

The Chronicles of Kermit the Hermit is not detailed account of campaign events. The campaign turn was peppered with raids, spying, national will morale challenges, logistics tests, etc. These are over too quickly for me to record exactly and their effect is abstracted into the campaign game mechanics. Suffice to say, that the rules are now almost perfected. Miniature Wargames magazine has expressed an interest in publishing them as part of the Ager Sanguinis series so, hopefully, copies will soon be available.

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