The first clash between the cavalry was inconclusive, both sides inflicting and receiving losses. The cavalry, progressively becoming less numerous and more tired by the hour, hacked away at each other until the end of the battle. As historically happened they cancelled each other out.
Meanwhile, in the centre, the Austrian Infantry continued their advance on Chotusitz. A brief fire fight ensued with the outnumbered Prussian defenders. The Prussians were forced back whilst their supporting artillery, possibly badly sited or low on ammunition (Rolled D8 attack dice), banged away to no effect. The Austrians, seizing their chance, took possession of the village.
At long last Frederick’s infantry was activated (two advance cards were added to the Prussian deck. Until both had been turned Frederick’s infantry, command D, could not move). They now advanced with élan (rolling up 3 segment moves on the following 2 move cards) confronting the Austrian infantry and engaging with them in a fierce fire fight.
After forming a stable line the Prussians assaulted the village. Their first rush was checked so they withdrew, reorganised and attacked afresh. This time they threw the Austrians out of two village sections, occupied them and awaited the counter attack.
Both sides were now exhausted (morale chips swinging at zero for both sides). It was the Austrians who cracked first, failing their major morale check by more than 4 they withdrew from the field. Prince Charles called for his coach. The Battle of Chotusitz was over. A Prussian victory – just.
Figures: Old Glory and Wargames Foundry.
Painted by Olicanalad. Olicana Painting Services.