Kits have started shipping from the caster!

Good news; I was just told that 12 models shipped from the caster today, I should have them in a couple of days.

They expect to be able to stay on the revised schedule within a day or two either way. The production manager stated, that although the first few kits took longer than expected, they now have things flowing much smoother and have a system that seems to be keepings things at a good clip.

In anticipation of the arrival and shipping to my customers I have uploaded the Leviathan Crusader instructions to the DFG website and fixed the links for the weapons instructions.

You can view the Crusader instruction by clicking the image below.

Once I recieve the kits I will be working as fast as I can to get them out the door...

Weekly Update: What's coming next for PTD, Ninja-ja's update, and taking a break!

Want to play Ninja-ja? Get a shiny pikachu, shiny mew, shiny starter, shiny magikarp or have your suggestion for a weapon design to be used on Ninja-ja? Click here for more info on how you can get those things.

Happy Monday!

Ninja-ja's update will be coming this week, we apologize for the lateness.

I will be taking a break from updating PTD this week, meaning there won't be an update this weekend. Constantly updating a game can put a lot of strain so every once in a while I will take a weekly break to recharge my batteries.

Update: I'm considering adding a new mode called "Classic". Basically in this mode your pokemon's attacks will have the same stats as the original game or as close as possible. You will be able to use the same pokemon for both "Classic" and regular mode but there will be different achievements for each mode. In regular mode the attacks will be more balanced and towers will have health. In classic mode towers won't have health and attacks will do the attack power that the original games have (based on Gen 5). Vote on the poll and let me know what you think. 

But I want to talk about what's coming next for the game and just comment in more detail about a lot of the questions and concerns you guys are all having.

First about the move balancing. By looking at the poll I can see that a lot of you guys liked the balancing except for a few special moves that could use some more love or uniqueness.

So for the next update you can expect quick attack and extremespeed (to name a few) will have a lower cooldown.

I will also be looking at how difficult or how high of a level you need to reach to get a move in order to figure out the appropriate damage it should do. If you can just buy a TM then chances are the move won't get significantly stronger, but there are some specific exceptions.

Let's look at Earthquake! It hits everybody on the field while it has a target in range for 20 attack power. Most of you think this is too low, which I can understand seeing as how powerful the move is in the real game. I can make it stronger (40 attack power) but there needs to be a drawback to such strength. I tried longer cooldowns but I just don't like how it makes some moves useless. Some people in the chat actually mentioned something that I originally sorta brushed off as I won't be adding that to the game. But today thinking about it, I think it can work. So for the next update I will be introducing.... Tower Health!

That's right your towers will now have a health bar, just like the enemy! But slow down a bit... the enemy isn't going to stop and do attacks towards you. The point is that a move like double-edge can now actually have a recoil damage (and much higher attack power). A move like recover is useful while defending, and best of all, defense moves will be useful both in attacking and defending, a defense move will lower the amount of damage received from all sources.

Another big thing is the duration of defense and offense buffs. It is a pain to keep using rage every time it runs out on one pokemon, imagine keeping it up on all 6! Therefore I'm drastically increasing the duration of these buffs. They won't last forever but you won't have to re apply them nearly as often making it more manageable to use in battle.

Now let's talk about trading. Trading is going to change radically. The trading center is coming, and no more trade codes! You will be able to search for the pokemon you want or search for somebody that wants your pokemon, also transferring pokemon from one save to another will be easier than ever.

Next update will also include two new story mode levels one being the S.S. Anne level and the other being the Vermillion Gym level. You can expect to get the HM Cut, and you can expect to use it on different levels to find secrets.

Lastly I haven't forgotten about Daily Codes, Missing Relearner moves, so those will be coming also.

Below is my progress on these things, keep checking back to see how I'm doing!

Tower Health (50%)
Move Balancing (0%)
Buff Durations (0%)
Trading Center (0%)
Story Levels (0%)
Daily Codes (0%)
New TMs (0%)
Relearn Moves (0%)
New Pokemon (0%)
New achievements (0%) (old ones won't get removed ever)

That's all I have for now, as always let me know what you think, read the FAQ and also read the comments on this blog post before you post as I won't be publishing comments that have already been asked.


File Size: 19.8 Mb
GM Version: GM8.1
Screen Resolution: FULL

This is a story of a brave boy who traveled the seas of Greece with his parents.
The name of the boy was Timaeus.
One day the water was calm until something unusual and sad was happened.
A giant sea monster just came out from nowhere and attacked the ship with a great force!
The parents of Timaeus have been lost in the deep sea.
Timaeus couldn't do anything to save them but now he must do something to save him self.
Suddenly the help came by the gods. A dolphin have saved Timaeus and now he must run away from the monster and find a way to bring his parents back.
God Hades was responsible for the loss of his parents and Timaeus knew that.
And the adventure has just been started for Timaeus.

Downloads: (mirror)

Pokemon Tower Defense: Alpha v3.1 is out now!

Enjoy! I will post a new blog on Monday.

Want to play Ninja-ja? Get a shiny pikachu, shiny mew, shiny starter, shiny magikarp or have your suggestion for a weapon design to be used on Ninja-ja? Click here for more info on how you can get those things.

It includes:
  • Level Cap up to 40!
  • New TMs: 
    • Flamethrower, Sandstorm, Giga Drain, Earthquake, Rock Tomb, Rest, DynamicPunch, Rollout, Roar, Sweet Scent, Protect, Rain Dance
  • All attack moves now have a cooldown of 18!
  • All attacks moves have had their attack power balanced. Most remained the same.
  • Damage and Experience Text!
  • Achievement 1 Reward added.
  • Bug Fixes
Look at the previous blog for more details on what this update includes.

Where can I play?
As always let me know what you think of the new features added to this update.

Thanks for the continued support.

'Mythology' Launch Trailer

The game will be available for free download this Monday 27-6-11

Mythology is a 3rd Person Action/Adventure PC game based on the Greek mythology. The main protagonist of the game is a little boy with the name Timaeus.

Follow me on Twitter for updates:

Weekly Progress: PTD and Ninja-ja

Let's get started, first the usual news.

Want to play Ninja-ja? Get a shiny pikachu, shiny mew, shiny starter, shiny magikarp or have your suggestion for a weapon design to be used on Ninja-ja? Click here for more info on how you can get those things.

We are still working on the Ninja-ja update and will release it as soon as it's done.

Update out now!

For Pokemon Tower Defense, this week we are focusing on increasing the level cap to 40.
  • Finishing Touches & Distribution (100%)
  • New Pokemon for Weekly Hunt and for Shiny Hunter Achievement (100%) - Weekly hunt gets the Non-Shiny and Shiny Hunter Achievement gets the Shiny version.
    • New Moves (2) (100%)
    • Graphics (100%)
    • Shiny Graphics (100%)
    • Add This Pokemon's stats to the game (100%)
  • Reaching Level 37 (100%)
    • Seed Bomb (100%)
    • Flamethrower (100%)
    • Drill Peck (100%)
    • Sandstorm (100%)
    • Gravity (100%)
    • Poison Fang (100%)
    • Giga Drain (100%)
    • Cross Chop (100%)
  • Reaching Level 38 (100%)
    • Nasty Plot (100%)
  • Reaching Level 39 (100%)
    • ExtremeSpeed (100%)
    • Hydro Pump (100%)
    • Earthquake (100%)
    • Avalanche (100%)
  • Reaching Level 40 (100%)
    • Captivate (Skipped due to lack of genders)
    • Psycho Cut (100%)
    • Barrier (100%)
  • New TMs:
    • Flamethrower
    • Sandstorm
    • Giga Drain
    • Earthquake 
    • Rock Tomb
    • Rest
    • DynamicPunch 
    • Rollout 
    • Roar 
    • Sweet Scent 
    • Protect 
    • Rain Dance
  • New Relearn Move: 
    • Nasty Plot
      Flamethrower animation in progress
        • New additions
          • For all those asking for a mute button. Instead of an Exit button there is now a Menu Button on the level that will let you change the audio settings right from the level, and also change if you wish to see the damage numbers among other things.
          • Added a damage number feature, whenever you do damage to an enemy the amount of damage you did will show up above the enemy. Black text means the attack was normal, orange will be for super effective and dark gray will be for ineffective attacks. 
          • Added an experience number feature, whenever you get experience the amount will show up on top of your pokemon.(Thanks for reminding me Darren)
          • Changing most damaging attack cooldowns down to 18 but reducing their attack power. This will result in some moves hitting for less but hitting more frequently.
            • Example: Flame burst: Old Cooldown: 54 - New Cooldown: 18 and Old Attack Power: 70 - New Attack Power: 40
          • Re balancing the attack power of all moves so some of the weaker moves (Absorb) are more in line with everything else, some of the stronger moves will have their attack power lowered so that all the moves aren't drastically separate in attack power.
            • Example: Absorb: Old Attack Power: 20 - New Attack Power: 40.
            • Example: Drill Peck: Old Attack Power: 80 - New Attack Power: 70
          • Changed Poison Powder and Toxic Spikes to "badly" poison the target, meaning it will do double damage.
              • Bugs
                • When you exit out of a story level it will take you to the correct chapter page instead of the chapter select screen.
                • Fixed issue with not losing a level when all the candy is taken. 
                • Rock Blast was hitting for an extra hit, this is now fixed. Example: It would hit 6 times instead of 5,  or 5 times when it only got 4.
                • Pokemon on Vermillion City now have a more balanced defense, this will make moves like Aqua Tail hit for more on Fire and Ground types and Water Pulse hit for less. Instead of having x4 Physical Defense they will have x2 Physical Defense and x2Special Defense. Overall it should make the level a little harder.
                • Pay Day will now only give 10 extra poke dollars per hit. 
                • Fixed issue with using healing moves while defending.
                • Fixed Graphical issue with the move Endeavor.
                • You can now view more than 20 TMs for a pokemon.
                This won't be the only thing coming to the update, so keep coming back to see what else will be added.

                Enjoy and tell me what you think.

                Pokemon Tower Defense: v3.0 is out now!

                New update is out now! Enjoy! I will post a new blog on Monday. I won't be around much today so I won't be able to moderate a lot of comments.

                Want to play Ninja-ja? Get a shiny pikachu, shiny mew, shiny starter, shiny magikarp or have your suggestion for a weapon design to be used on Ninja-ja? Click here for more info on how you can get those things.

                I'm keeping the same shiny hunt so that everybody can get their shiny Farfetch'd :D Also the avatars are not added on this update but when I do add them I will allow you to pick which generation you want it from the ones I posted on the poll. A lot of you requested this so I will make it happen.

                v3.0.1 is now out it fixes the following:
                • Small typo on the new story level.
                • Pokemon that have the move selfdestruct will now be able to move around.
                • The 4th challenge mode will now work correctly no matter what you do.
                • The chapters will now unlock correctly once you beat all the levels in the previous chapter.

                It includes:
                • New Story level!
                • New Challenge Level!
                • One new pokemon to catch via NPC Trade!
                • New TMs! - Poison Jab, and Swords Dance.
                • Bug Fixes
                Look at the previous blog for more details on what this update includes.

                Where can I play?
                As always let me know what you think of the new levels, and features added to this update.

                Thanks and have a good weekend.

                Playing with poses

                I am still deciding on how to approach the prints, do I pose and print the complete mini or print components and pose them afterwards with a combination of traditional sculpting and digital sculpting... So much to consider, perhaps the $$-cost will dictate my decision for me?
                While I roll this around in my noggin, here is another test shot with assorted poses. Note the change to the rifle to bring it more in line with an MG42 profile. Back when these were designed in 2001, the whole “Weird War” and greatcoats thing was not so prevalent. I am torn about the design as it seems a bit “been their done that” but I still want to have a core troop set that is easily identifiable as a major, cultural faction, in this case sci-fi Germany. Perhaps I could go a bit nuttier with the heavier armor?

                Here is an old sketch with the HALO pack attached.

                What’s your thoughts?

                On the bench

                The 15mm scale Leviathan Crusader is off to the caster for quote and molds. Likely another week before I have a firm price and the mold work begins.

                Next up... I am back to work on 28mm scale infantry. Here are a few test shots of the Eisenkern trooper.
                Here is a sneak peek of another vehicle. The Puma II scout walker, still very much a WIP.

                Learnmeet 2011 - FINAL Update

                We a heavy heart I need to announce that Learnmeet 2010 has been cancelled.

                While we had schools willing to come and present - we had very little interest beyond that.
                We need to learn how to advertise better!

                This isn't the end of the idea, we'll be back next year to try again.

                Thanks to the sponsors for offering some great prizes and the schools for offering to present.



                Weekly Progress: PTD and Ninja-ja

                Hey guys, another week of updates is coming your way.

                Want to play Ninja-ja? Get a shiny pikachu, shiny mew, shiny starter, shiny magikarp or have your suggestion for a weapon design to be used on Ninja-ja? Click here for more info on how you can get those things.

                You might have noticed the new poll asking about Anonymous posting on the comments, the reason I have it there is because there has been a lot of spam lately and I wanted to see how the majority of you feel about the issue.

                Ninja-ja will have an update this week but I don't have all the details set yet, I will post them once I get them ready.

                Pokemon Tower Defense v3.0 progress list: (Update will be out within 2 hours!)

                New Challenge Level - (100%)
                • Intro (100%)
                • Level Layout (100%)
                • Level Waves (100%)
                • Ending (100%)
                New Story Level - (100%)
                • Intro (100%)
                • Level Layout (100%)
                • Level Waves (100%)
                • Ending (100%)
                New NPC Trade Pokemon (100%)
                • Graphic (100%)
                • Shiny Graphic (100%)
                • Add stats to the game (100%)
                • New Moves (3) (100%)
                  • Swords Dance (100%)
                  • Poison Jab (100%)
                  • Night Slash (100%)
                  Non Catchable Pokemon (6) (100%)
                  • Graphic (100%)
                  • Add stats to the game (100%)
                  New TMs added (2) (100%)
                  • Swords Dance (100%)
                  • Poison Jab (100%)
                  New Relearn moves added (2) (100%)
                  • Swords Dance (100%)
                  • Poison Jab (100%) 
                  • Stealth Rock - Will now do more damage per hit, but will hit each pokemon less frequently.
                  • Petal Dance - The cooldown has been increased from 18 to 36. 
                  • Pokedex - When evolving a pokemon the pokedex should now correctly keep track of it's pre-evolutions.
                  Finishing Touches & Distribution (25%)

                          For now this is all I have but I will keep updating it as the week goes on, thanks and let me know what you think.

                          Sakis25 Games Store is now open!

                          I decided to create a store for all my iPhone games and apps. So everything related to my iOS apps will be available from the store:
                          I hope you will enjoy the site and my games. :)

                          Pokemon Tower Defense: v2.9 is out now!

                          New update is out now! Enjoy! I will post a new blog on Monday.

                          Want to play Ninja-ja? Get a shiny pikachu, shiny mew, shiny starter, shiny magikarp or have your suggestion for a weapon design to be used on Ninja-ja? Click here for more info on how you can get those things.

                          v2.9.1 is out now! It fixes Route 5 so the pokemon will have the right levels now,  fixed the opening sponsor animation to not play sound if you have the music off, also fixed Bulldoze from stacking it's movement lowering debuff (Thanks to the gang at the chat room for letting me know about Bulldoze ;D ).

                          Also I changed the $10 Ninja-ja Grand Master Edition Gift from 30,000 pokedollars to Shiny Magikarp codes. If you bought the $10 dollar version or the $20 dollar version and wish to receive the codes send me an email at with the subject "Shiny Magikarp" make sure to use the same email that you used to buy the game on paypal.

                          It includes:
                          • Two new story levels!
                            • Nugget Bridge - Will Ash beat General Mewtwo? Did I really just beat Kyogre with two pokemon? What happened to Gary? All these answers and more on this level.
                            • Route 5 - A training level with a new pokemon to capture, pokemon keep getting harder and harder as they try to capture some rare candy. Over 30 waves of increasingly difficult pokemon.
                          • One new pokemon to catch!
                          • TMs -Similar to the Move Relearner go to the pokemon selection screen and press on TMs to buy a compatible TM for your pokemon. Once you start learning the move you will be charged even if you don't end up replacing the move for another. They cost 10,000 pokedollars each.
                            TMs available (20 added):
                            • Mega Punch, Whirlwind, Body Slam, Take Down, Double-Edge, BubbleBeam, Water Gun, Pay Day, Seismic Toss, Rage, Mega Drain, Dragon Rage, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Teleport, Double Team, Metronome, Selfdestruct, Swift, ThunderWave.
                          • When entering a preview code for trading you can now see which moves the pokemon will have.
                          • Bug Fixes
                          Where can I play?
                          As always let me know what you think of the new levels, and features added to this update.

                          Thanks and have a good weekend.

                          A Campaign for the Summer - Isle of Fob

                          Peter J and I have decided to fight a Crusades campaign this summer. It is The Isle of Fob campaign as published in Miniature Wargames as part of the Ager Sanguinis series. I do not intend to give a blow by blow account of campaign moves. Instead of this, campaign moves will be recorded with a photo of the campaign map after each player's phase if a significant move has been made.

                          Initial deployment:

                          Campaign Background:

                          ….In the summer, in the year of our Lord 1110, sore pressed by incursions on his northern borders by Asiatic hordes, the Emperor [Byzantine] withdrew armies and garrisons from quieter parts of the Empire to meet the threat. This was folly for, in leaving the Isle of Fob unprotected, he invited the attention of divers Seljuk princes.

                          The Isle of Fob is not, in truth, an isle. It is a large tract of land connected to the mainland by an isthmus that borders the lands of the Hashishmendid Seljuks. No sooner had the garrisons left the Isle the Seljuks, led by a certain Emir called Gudrupee, crossed the isthmus and occupied Chiosus. It was late in the year and here Gudrupee encamped for the winter and declared himself Malik of Fob. On promises of land, wealth and the Glory of Allah his army was swollen by reinforcements in readiness for the campaigning season.

                          Fearing for his cherished Isle the Emperor was at a loss, for in sending troops there he must give up another cherished part. Then fortuitous help came to him. A Crusade, led by Louis of Chernobil, was on its way to Jerusalem and was at that very moment passing through the western borders of his lands.

                          It has long been known that the Isle of Fob is a blessed place; for it was to here that our Lord’s Cup was taken and hid in one of the many monasteries. The Emperor, being both wise and cunning, let it be known throughout Christendom that this Blessed Relic would surely fall into the hands of the heathen if left unchecked.
                          At once, the Patriarch of Jerusalem hurried to intercept the Crusade and, with the aid of the Emperor’s fleet, diverted Chernobil and his followers to the Isle of Fob. Chernobil and his followers landed at Lampron and, on Christmas Day, entered the town.
                          But now the Emperor’s plans became untied. Betraying the Emperor, the Crusaders crowned Chernobil King of Fob and set to plan conquest of the Isle for themselves.
                          Thus the scene was set for the bloody War of Fob………
                          Campaign moves leading to the Battle of Kinana

                          The Battle of Kinana

                          Franks - Army B: 3 SP, plus castle, plus tactical advantage cards = 5 SP. Draw 4 unit number cards for 14 units. This was a low unit draw - 14 off maximum. The Franks have invested a lot of trust into this small army; SP reflects more than numbers, it also reflects an investment of 'national will'.

                          Turks - Army C: 2 SP, plus 2 tactical advantage cards = 4 SP. Draw 3 unit number cards for 19 units. A very high unit draw - 2 off maximum.

                          The Battlefield
                          The Franks are defending and terrain is randomly determined using Army B's sequence deck. They also have two more posture cards in their hand than the Turks, so they will be able to deploy into both flank deployment zones. They win the 'side of table roll' and choose to deploy on the hilly side of the table.

                          A bumpy ride: Pre-Orders delayed

                          Unfortunately, our contract caster is having some problems delivering the pre-orders on time. They had some scheduling issues and material issues that set all their clients orders out from promised delivery dates. We have nailed down the caster to production dates, with assurances that the QC will not suffer.

                          ¼ of the pre-orders will ship within the window given at the time of the pre-orders.
                          ¼ will be shipped 10 days late.

                          ¼ will be shipped 20 days late.
                          ¼ will be shipped 30 days late.

                          All customers have been contacted and offered a refund if they so choose.

                          We apologies for the delay and any inconvenience this may cause.
                          You may contact me with the email address on this blog, or come and join us on the forums to discuss any questions or concerns.

                          All the best,

                          What's next? PTD progress list

                          Hey folks Sam here bringing you the weekly progress list. First the usual stuff.

                          Want to play Ninja-ja? Get a shiny pikachu, shiny mew, shiny starter or have your suggestion for a weapon design to be used on Ninja-ja? Click here for more info on how you can get those things.

                          Ninja-ja is on break this week, update will come next week.

                          We reached 3 MILLION views on Newgrounds recently, I'm still amazed at how big we have gotten, I mean 3 million on newground is not counting the views on the blog (463,109) and the views on all the other websites that have the game, so the number is a lot higher. I'm committed to finishing this game and letting you guys catch all the original 151 pokemon. So let's move forward together, with your support we can make this happen.

                          I wanted to say that this is a learning experience for Dan and me, we make mistakes just like everyone else. I will say that I regret giving out shiny abra and shiny charmander and that it won't happen again. The reason I'm not shutting down the charmander code is that it won't be fair that some of you got it while others didn't.

                          Also, I want to ask you guys if you have any suggestions to post them on our forum, the link is on the PTD Fan Links page, that way other players can comment on your suggestion and it's easier for me to find the ones that people are more excited about. My email is so full right now if you mailed me a suggestion there it might be a long time before you get a response.

                          Okay so on Saturday I asked "What would be the perfect update?" and boy did you guys have a lot of different answers. But a lot certain things keep coming up over and over. One you want a new story level, two you want new pokemon to catch, and three you want TMs. Most of you think the level cap is fine which I agree. A lot of you want a training level which I agree also. Some of you want a nugget bridge level and have many great ideas for it. So I will take all of these and bundle them up into this weeks update.

                          New Story Level (100%) - Nugget Bridge - Will Ash beat General Mewtwo? Did I really just beat Kyogre with two pokemon? What happened to Gary? All these answers and more on this level.
                          • Level Intro (100%)
                          • Level Layout (100%)
                          • Level Waves (100%)
                          • Level Ending (100%)

                          New Story Level (100%) - Route 5 - A training level with a new pokemon to capture, pokemon keep getting harder and harder as they try to capture some rare candy. Over 30 waves of increasingly difficult pokemon.
                          • Level Intro (100%)
                          • Level Layout (100%)
                          • Level Waves (100%)
                          • Level Ending (100%)
                          New Pokemon (1) (100%)
                          • Graphic (100%)
                          • Shiny Graphic (100%)
                          • Add pokemon's stats in game (100%)
                          • 5 new moves (100%)
                          New Evolution (1) (100%)
                          • Graphic (100%)
                          • Shiny Graphic (100%)
                          • Add pokemon's stats in game (100%)
                          Add some TMs to the game (100%) - Similar to the Move Relearner go to the pokemon selection screen and press on TMs to buy a compatible TM for your pokemon. Once you start learning the move you will be charged even if you don't end up replacing the move for another. They cost 10,000 pokedollars each.
                          TMs available (20 added):
                          • Mega Punch, Whirlwind, Body Slam, Take Down, Double-Edge, BubbleBeam, Water Gun, Pay Day, Seismic Toss, Rage, Mega Drain, Dragon Rage, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Teleport, Double Team, Metronome, Selfdestruct, Swift, ThunderWave.
                          When entering a preview code for trading you can now see which moves the pokemon will have. (100%) 

                          When beating the first Challenge Mode for the first time you will automatically receive the shiny geodude instead of having to insert a code to get him, you still only get one per save file. (100%) 
                            Bug Fixes (100%)
                            • Ally-switch: Making all your allies be on one spot. (100% Fixed)
                            Final Touches and Distribution (80%)

                            If I finish these up early I will be adding more things to the update that I want to add, like more achievements and the achievement prizes.

                            As always keep coming back during the week to see the progress on the update, as always let me know what you think. Sam

                            Pokemon Tower Defense: v2.8 is out now! New challenge mode level, pokedex and achievements! Shiny hunt on hold. Perfect update week.

                            New update is out now, quick post and I will be leaving for the day.

                            Want to play Ninja-ja? Get a shiny pikachu, shiny mew, shiny starter or have your suggestion for a weapon design to be used on Ninja-ja? Click here for more info on how you can get those things.

                            It includes:
                            • New Challenge Mode Level (greatly inspired by forum member Zackirus, with music by Hank Winer)
                            • Pokedex and Achievements
                            • Bug Fixes
                            Where can I play?
                            I think everybody out there has their own idea of what a perfect (but doable) weekly update would be. So why don't you let me know, but don't email me (I have plenty of emails!), post it on the forums so that everybody can see and comment on your individual suggestions (The comment space bellow is too hard to sort). If you guys come up with a good (doable) weekly update I will try to make it happen.
                            Just a couple of rules:
                            1. You can suggest a story level but don't suggest a storyline since I already have that set.
                            2. You can suggest a challenge mode and design one if you want.
                            Let me know about level cap, new moves, tms, new achievements, and even tell me which shiny hunt pokemon I should give out.

                            Let's make it happen, let me know what you think of this update and let me know what your perfect, but doable, weekly update would be.

                            What's next? Ninja-ja, Pokemon Tower Defense progress list.

                            Hey everybody, this is a little late coming but better late than never.

                            Want to play Ninja-ja? Get a shiny pikachu, shiny mew, shiny starter or have your suggestion for a weapon design to be used on Ninja-ja? Click here for more info on how you can get those things.

                            Ninja-ja: v1.1 is now out, if you bought the game send an email to to get your update, thanks!

                            The pokemon tower defense update is still happening, and here is what we have for you guys:
                            • Final Touches and distribution (100%)
                            • Challenge Level (greatly inspired by forum member Zackirus, thanks for the great idea!) (100%)
                            • Adding some TMs to the pokemart (Postponed until a later update)
                            • Bug fixed
                              • Shiny starter mystery code not working on 3rd evolution starters. (100%)
                              • Evolution Button: When pokemon is evolving during the level the game crashes. (100%)
                              • Self-Destruct bug (100%)
                            • Relearn only moves (ex. Thunder Fang for Arbok) (Postponed)
                            • Pokedex/Achievements (you decide which one on the poll above) (100%)
                            For the New Feature I have added a short poll on the website, you guys get to decide which feature you would like first.
                            • Pokedex/Achievements - A pokedex will be added to the game to keep track of who you saw and who you caught, also achievements will be added into the game for finding certain pokemon and completing certain task, like beating a level without losing candy.
                            • Targeting System - Your towers will be able to target different units depending on what command you give your pokemon. For example, attack first, attack last, attack lowest health..etc.
                            • Different Pokeballs - Be able to buy different pokeballs that will let you catch pokemon at higher percentages.
                            • Trading Center - A place that you can search for trades being done by other players. Search by who you want in the trade or search by what you want to trade, all trades will be handled by the game so once both sides agree on the trade you will both get them immediately.
                            Choose wisely :)

                            Also the last poll it seems like you guys want to keep trading, so trading will stay, in the future I might tweak things here and there but for now it stays like it is.

                            I also added two new tabs to the site called "Suggestions" and "Bugs" these will cover both games PTD and Ninja-ja, make sure you read them before you offer a suggestions.

                            The artist search is almost completed I sent emails to the top 9 applications that we received that fit into what our next game is going to be. Once they answer the emails we will pick from there. If you didn't get an email and you applied I just have to say thank you for even considering applying for the position, a lot of you had great art and we might contact you for a different game but for our next game we were looking for something very specific, some time this week I will send out a thank you letter to all who applied.

                            Thanks again for sticking around, the support is greatly appreciated. Let's continue on this journey! As always, let me know what you think.

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